Praising our Servant Lord…

For the following gifts in a blessed Holy Week-
Softly chanted Psalms in the dimming candlelight at Tenebrae… across from newly ordained friends, who just years ago were declaring their intent to officiate at such times because they love Jesus so much. Our Lord has done all things very well for them, and I am grateful.
Keeping watch before the Host, one hour at least, in a garden of a chapel, with dear friends… all young people, fellow grad students, with the mysterious and awesome Sarah Coakley of HDS beaming at us from the back… and friend DL plugging away on his laptop in the narthex, as he would be staying with our Lord all night long…
Befriending a homeless man who is suffering from AIDS during our many trips downtown to church this week… learning his name… hearing his stories… and then rushing out to shop for him and his wife on Easter Day with Fr. WB. Fr. WB embraced this man and reminded him of his Savior again and again while he sat with him just to listen. And then, our new friend bowed his head and acknowledged his need to receive his Savior. Fr. WB baptized our new brother on that street corner on Easter Day. I was unspeakably proud to be there with him.
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