Blog Template Theology of the Body: A Melange: Good Theologians

Friday, May 18, 2007

A Melange: Good Theologians

Thomas Oden was once asked what other writers and theologians have sought to recover postmodern ecumenical orthodoxy. The following is a bibliographic center identified by him.

Among Lutherans

Peter Stuhlmacher, Martin Hengel, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Robert Wilken, George Lindbeck, William Lazareth, Robert Jensen, Paul Hinlicky and Carl Braaten.

Among Orthodox

Georges Florovsky, Alexander Men, Alexander Schmemann, John Meyendorff, Vladimir Lossky, Thomas Hopko, John D. Zizioulas, Kallistos Ware, John Breck, Stanley Harakas, and Vigen Guroian.

Among Roman Catholics
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Louis Bouyer, Henri De Lubac, Yves Congar, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Avery Dulles, Thomas Howard, Paul V. Mankowski, Richard John Neuhaus, Michael Novak, Paul Vitz, and George Weigel.

Among Reformed Evangelical Traditions

Thomas Torrance, James I. Packer, Donald Bloesch, Michael Green, James Davison Hunter, Stephen Evans, Richard Mouw, Clark Pinnock, Elizabeth Achtemeier, David Wells, Mark Noll, Timothy George, Alvin Plantinga, Richard Longenecker, Anthony Thiselton, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Frederick Norris, and Gordon Fee.

Among Wesleyans

Albert C. Outler, William Abraham, Ben Witherington, Alan Padgett, Roberta Bondi, Stephen Gunter, Randy Maddox, Geoffrey Wainwright, David Steinmetz, David Hay, and those inimitable jokers of postmodern evangelical criticism: Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon.

"This mélange has varied characters of different sorts (and warts), but what they have in common is that all of them have survived the death of modernity ever more deeply committed to the renewal of time-tested Christian orthodoxy."

—Thomas Oden, (HT Touchstone Journal of Mere Christianity)