The Church's Christmas List

Scripture asks that "we give to each his due;" here are some helpful guidelines from the Catechism regarding the appropriate distribution of Holiday Cheer.
For God: total self-abandonement, trust, worship, adoration, praise, thanksgiving, and love.
For Spouses: the surrender and gift of self, aiming at a deeply personal unity, indissolubility, and faithfulness in definitive mutual giving.
For Children: spiritual formation, education, provision, respect as human persons and children of God, a tender, forgiving, respectful, and serving home.
For Parents: forgiveness, honor, gratitude, docility, generosity, affection, charity, support in distress.
For Siblings and Friends: filial respect for the dignity of the other self, gratitude for encouragement in the faith, chastity, grace, solidarity, self-mastery for the sake of the other, spiritual communion.
For the Elderly: patience, honor, affection, gratitude, companionship in lonliness.
For the Poor: active assistance as unto Christ, denial of immoderate love of wealth, justice and charity, instruction, advice, consolation, comfort, food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, clothing for the naked, companionship for the sick and imprisoned.
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