Saint Claire of Assisi, 1193-1253

She was in love with Jesus and His young herald, Francis; so she ran away from a noble home to found and lead an order of servants before she reached the age of eighteen. Like all great women, her vocation provided a home and a dwelling place for the charism of the men she loved. With bare feet and open hands, she and her sisters embodied and established in quiet, stable cloisters the wild call of the Franciscan mission.
- C. S. Lewis, Spirits in Bondage: Dungeon Grates
We shall keep our vision still;
One moment was enough,
We know we are not made of mortal stuff.
And we can bear all trials that come after,
The hate of men and the fool's loud bestial laughter
And Nature's rule and cruelties unclean-
For we have seen the Glory...we have seen.
One moment was enough,
We know we are not made of mortal stuff.
And we can bear all trials that come after,
The hate of men and the fool's loud bestial laughter
And Nature's rule and cruelties unclean-
For we have seen the Glory...we have seen.
- C. S. Lewis, Spirits in Bondage: Dungeon Grates
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