Blog Template Theology of the Body: "Archbishop Keen!"

Sunday, March 12, 2006

"Archbishop Keen!"

" avoid gay row."

So said on Thursday.

And on went ++ Rowan-

"Despite the levels of bitter controversy over sexuality in the [Anglican] Communion, I do not hear much enthusiasm for revisiting in 2008 the last Lambeth Conference’s resolution on this matter. In my judgment, we cannot properly or usefully re-open the discussion as if Resolution 1.10 of Lambeth 1998 did not continue to represent the general mind of the Communion.”

Read the rest here -

Rowan does not want to re-visit The Issue. On the one hand, it is perhaps a responsible move to preserve a semblance of that familial harmony which allows the Church to show the world how the world was made to live, stick to what's been arrived at, avoid further vitriole.

On the other hand, all that is necessary for scandal and schism to prevail is for a good archbishop to do nothing.

HT: Faith and Theology