Blog Template Theology of the Body: Twentieth Honeymoon with God

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Twentieth Honeymoon with God

For as long as I have been capable, I have tried to set aside some time each year to get away for some in-depth discussion and loving with God; in some years, this has amounted to the year entire, and in others, it has taken up no more than a day. This time around, my retreat will be a long, silent weekend on the shores of Lake Dallas, under the guidance of a really excellent retreat director at the Montserrat Retreat House. The retreat will be based on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola. Please pray for me.

(If any of you have not made a retreat in a while, perhaps give the Jesuits a shot sometime in the near future... it will do you no end of good. See their national directory of retreat centers here-)

... and congrats and best wishes to all of my friends and Vocatum contributors who are attending the amazing Colloquium here in Dallas this weekend. Peter Kreeft will be there! How awesome.