Blog Template Theology of the Body: The Mother of My Lord and the Mother of Christ's Kin

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Mother of My Lord and the Mother of Christ's Kin

"It must not be denied that God in choosing and destining Mary to be the Mother of his Son, granted her the highest honor. Elizabeth called Mary Mother of the Lord, because the unity of the Person in the two natures of Christ is such that the mortal man engendered in the womb of Mary is at the same time the one and eternal God."

John Calvin
Calvini Opera, Corpus Reformatorum, Braunschweig-Berlin, 1863-1900, v. 45, p. 348, 35.

"What God has thus joined let not man put asunder. To those to whom he is a Father, the Church must also be a mother....There is no other way to enter into life unless this mother conceive us in her womb, give us birth, and nourish us at her breast...Away from her bosom one cannot hope for any forgiveness of sins or any salvation."
- John Calvin
Institutes IV. i. 1