Great Idea for Lenten Reading: The Long Road to Hope

For those of us who know and love Jennie Dangers, her new book- The Long Road to Hope-is out and available for all to enjoy!!!! - for those of us who have yet to meet this amazing woman: Jennie is a college friend who lives in Luwero, Uganda. She works on staff for the children's center for Ugandan orphans and young people that her parents founded almost thirty years ago; her family carved their ministry out of the Ugandan bush, on the killing fields of the former civil wars, and have made a little piece of Heaven available to "their" Ugandan children. I have spent a lot of time at the New Hope Children's Center, and I love it there. The children live and grow in family groups and recieve some of the best classical Christian education available in Africa; at night, when you walk among the huts of family groups doing chores and getting ready for bed in the amazing African starlight, you can always hear the sound of happy children playing drums and singing praises to God.
So Jennie's book is the story of her family's work with God to nurture His children and thereby change a nation. This would be an amazing book to recommend to young people (and especially young women!) who are interested in exploring a vocation to ministry or foreign missions.
The Long Road to Hope is available here. (All the profits from the book go towards career development programs and scholarship funds for the New Hope young people)
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