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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Simple Life: Kitchens

The New York Times has an excellent article up today that I thought I would at least reference entitled A No-Frills Kitchen Still Cooks. On this, I must say that I am a hypocrite of the highest order. It's one of those things - if you never eat out for the sake of simplicity - then why should your kitchen be simple? Our kitchen is the Williams-Sonoma catalog meets lower-middle class duplex galley! French cookware, German knives, gadgets galore, the best of the best. But, do we really need it? Not really, even though when we acquired most of it - that's certainly what we said! And - I must admit that I positively love Auberge pie-plates and our growing collection of cast-iron - and it has largely been justified by our aforementioned thrift when it comes to food.

My conviction, it seems, has been handed down by the New York Times and a restaurant supply warehouse-junkie by the name of Mark Bittman, who outfitted an entire kitchen for $300. I would note - he doesn't, that it comes at the price of Aluminum cookware which might (if you believe the urban-myth) give you Alzheimer's (even though the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says that's bunk!) But, nevertheless, it's surprisingly well-stocked. He has included five pots and pans, a cutting board, two knives, a strainer, a colander, one of those cool Japanese-made Benriner mandolines, a loaf-pan, a whisk, tongs, some wooden spoons, measuring cups, and an instant-read thermometer, among other things, for the cost of even the best iPod. Truth be told, this is a kitchen that reflects downright monastic simplicity, and if it weren't for wedding registries, this would be the ideal setup - capable of just about anything worth cooking. Perhaps a trip to Acme is in order. That mandoline looks cool! I need it!