Blog Template Theology of the Body: Culture Pop: Apostasy?

Monday, November 21, 2005

Culture Pop: Apostasy?

I just attended a lecture given by author Stephen McDowell (Liberating the Nations). Intensely uncomfortable.

McDowell's program is as follows-

"How do we go about liberating the nations? By infusing into them the principles contained in the Bible. History has shown that the most free and prosperous nations have been those that most accurately applied the principles of Christianity in every sphere of life. Learn Biblical priciples of education, government, economics, law and family life. Examine the role of the church, the family, the media, and civil government in a nation, and learn what you can do to bring Godly reform. This book is being used by thousands of people in scores of countries."

It sounds good. But what would Christ have to say in response to the claim that "history has shown that the most free and prosperous nations have been those that most accurately applied the principles of Christianity in every sphere of life...?"

It seems to me that "take up your cross and follow me," and "attend to the least of these" is a really poor recipe for nation-building. Christ's Kingdom is not of this world, and for a good reason.