Blog Template Theology of the Body: Christians, no matter what tradition they belong to, can say with joy and gratitude that "what unites us is much greater than what divides us."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Christians, no matter what tradition they belong to, can say with joy and gratitude that "what unites us is much greater than what divides us."

... "Our ecumenical journey is not towards a mere appearance of unity -- towards some sort of ecclesiastical good neighborliness. The communion we seek has its source, its model and its fulfillment in the very life of the Trinity. Superficial gestures will not bring about the unity for which the Lord prayed.

...There are wrinkles, even unpleasant scars, on the face of the Church: and a strong ecumenical commitment is an essential factor in restoring her beauty. Only when Christ's prayer at the Last Supper is fulfilled, only when we are all one as he ardently wished, only then will the Church clearly appear as the sign and sacrament of the world's salvation. Only then will God's purpose be fulfilled: "that the world may believe."

Amen and amen. Read the whole thing here. HT: Evangelical Catholicism.