Pray for the Persecuted Church: Vietnamese Christians

Remember them that are in chains, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in that body.
Hebrews 13:3
My mother's friend (and one of my heroes), Jill Briscoe, spends a good deal of her time meeting in secret with the Vietnamese widows of pastors who have been brutally murdered for their faith. She recently shared stories of the abuse, rape, and continued persecution which these valiant Christian women suffer. We should pray for courage, for their joy, and for their persistence in practicing the forgiveness of the Lord whom they follow. We should also pray for their safety.
Lord Jesus Christ, who stretched our your arms on the hard wood of the Cross, so that the whole world might come within the reach of your saving embrace, so clothe us with your Spirit that we, reaching forth our hands in love, may draw those who do not know you into your knowledge and love. Amen.
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