Blog Template Theology of the Body: The Proverbs 31:20 Late Lenten Challenge

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Proverbs 31:20 Late Lenten Challenge

My most cherished and inspired mentor in every way, Mrs. J, has a hit of a new blog, entitled "The Proverbs 31 Weekly Challenge," which will be keeping Christian women everywhere on their toes. This is my own tribute to her urging us all to follow verse 20 in particular this week, since my hero Ellen Davis has pointed out that the Prov 31 woman recieves more adulation than ANYONE, male or female, in the OT...

She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.

... If you take me up on this, say so in my comment box, and I will randomly select one of you to guest- post whatever you like on my blog pertaining to works of charity...

The Challenge:

1. Reflect for one week on what it means for you to reach out to the poor, rather than down.

2. Make one grand gesture towards those who are in need (remembering Augustine's insistance than it is always more righteous to tend first to those nearest to you).

3. Commit at least ten dollars or one hour a month to serving the poor in your community for the next three months.

Let me know...